AA & NA Meetings Caithness
Local information for support meetings in Caithness. For other meetings please visit websites detailed below.
Local information for support meetings in Caithness. For other meetings please visit websites detailed below.
Do you have a loved one affected by problematic drug and/or alcohol issues? If you do and would like support or a chat please feel free to come and have a chat with others who have lived experience and are here to offer support, information and guidance.
We are aiming to be "a café with a difference at the heart of the community" intent on bringing positive change to the area. We want to bring together all members of the community to help those at risk of isolation, social disadvantage and people going through challenging times.
Narcotics Anonymous is a community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life. The only requirement for participation is a desire to stop using drugs. NA is not allied with any religion, institution or other organisation. It exists solely so that its members can support each other to stay drug free and to help others achieve and maintain a drug free recovery and lifestyle.
The Caithness Recovery Community exists to provide peer to peer support.
Scottish Recovery Network promotes and supports mental health recovery. Learn more about what they do and how you can access their support on your recovery journey.
The Caithness Mental Health Support Group is a voluntary non-profit making organisation. The group runs two centres – one in Wick (The Haven) and one in Thurso (Stepping Stones).