Find out what you can do to manage the symptoms yourself at home.
Website: Visit the Self-Management – Activities to help with pain management Website
Living with long-term pain can be a debilitating and isolating condition, but there are ways you can relieve some of the symptoms. In addition to the activities listed here, you will find a fantastic support system with Myself Management previously known as LGOWIT who do amazing work locally through online and in-person groups as well as one-to-one support sessions. You can find out all about them and how to access there service by clicking HERE.
Not everyone has access to private exercise classes or self-management tools, but there’s a lot of useful, free online information if you’re living with pain. Here, we have brought together some of the most helpful resources for managing your condition at home.
This 20-minute guided meditation course from Meditainment is free, easy to follow and proven to help people cope with chronic pain.
It’s part of the Pathway through Pain online course, which is provided by the NHS in some areas for people with persistent pain.
Ask your GP or pain specialist how to access the course.
Choose an exercise that won’t put too much strain on yourself.
Good options include:
Activity and stretching needs to become part of your lifestyle so you routinely do exercise a little and often.
Try to be active every day instead of only on the good days when you’re not in so much pain. This may reduce the number of bad days you have and help you feel more in control.
But try to avoid overdoing it on good days and paying for this by having more bad days.
Try these flexibility exercises and sitting exercises you can do at home.
Read the beginner’s guide to swimming and beginner’s guide to dancing.
Pilates for knee problems –
Pilates for Arthritis –
Pilates for Osteoporosis –
Pilates for Chronic back pain –
Introduction to Pilates:
Session 1 –
Session 2 –
Session 3 –
Session 4 –
Session 5 –
Session 6 –
Session 7 –