RASASH provides support, information and advocacy for anyone, aged 13 or over, who lives in the Highland Council area and who has experienced sexual violence or abuse.
Website: Visit the RASASH Website
Email: support@rasash.org.uk
Telephone: 03330 066909
RASASH work towards the prevention and ultimately the elimination of sexual violence, supporting social change by raising awareness and understanding of rape and sexual violence, challenging myths and campaigning
Work with others to improve the way society, organisations and agencies respond to survivors of sexual violence
RASASH is grateful to our many funders.
Currently these include : Scottish Government, NHS Highland, Big Lottery, Foundation Scotland, Gordon Cook Foundation, Children in Need, Kelly Family trust, Henry Smith Foundation, Rosa fund and, of course individual donors and fundraisers.
Rape and Sexual Abuse Service Highland (RASASH) is a charitable organisation, a SCIO, based in Inverness. Our Scottish Charity Number is SC045019.
Affiliated to Rape Crisis Scotland, RASASH was set up to:
Provide accessible, appropriate and high quality emotional and practical support, information and advocacy for survivors, their non-abusing partners, family and friends.